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Who hires us? Mr. Latimore has been hired by doctors, business owners, college professors, military personnel, and even other attorneys to aid them in defense of themselves, their clients, or their loved ones before Immigration Courts and on appeal. Why work with us? Mr. Latimore has won cases for clients before the Immigration Courts, Board of Immigration Appeals, U.S. Courts of Appeal, Administrative Appeals Office, and U.S.C.I.S. Mr. Latimore is licensed to practice in any Immigration Court in the United States and has personally represented individuals in Immigration Courts all over the United States including (but not limited to):
Mr. Latimore is licensed to practice and has represented individuals on Petition for Review before the Ninth Circuit, Fourth Circuit, Eleventh Circuit, Sixth Circuit, Third Circuit, Fifth Circuit, and Second Circuit U.S. Courts of Appeal. Here are a few of our Firm’s more interesting and unique successes: N-K- plead guilty in Federal District Court to credit card fraud. After he served his two year sentence for the crime he was placed into removal proceedings in Oakdale, Louisiana. The Latimore Law Firm found legal issues with charging the Lawful Permanent Resident as an aggravated felon and prepared a motion, brief, and exhibits after lengthy research, arguing that the removal proceedings should be terminate due to the crime not being an aggravated felony. The immigration judge agreed with the Latimore Law Firm, over the objection of the government and terminated the removal proceedings against N-K. He shortly thereafter was released from custody and resumed his normal life as a Lawful Permanent Resident. Just another example of why the knee jerk reaction to being charged as an aggravated felon should not be to give up and concede removal. R-S- was ordered removed by an immigration judge after his asylum case was denied. He appealed that asylum denial and the Board of Immigration Appeals and they denied his case as well. Many years passed and he got married and had two daughters. He came to the Latimore Law Firm 5 years after the last work had been done on his case by another firm. We discussed his options with him and he decided that he would depart the U.S on his own accord and have his wife file a visa petition for him, despite the fact that he would face a bar to reentering the U.S. of 10 years due to his illegal presence, a bar to reentering due to the fact that he was ordered removed by an immigration judge, and the fact that would face a lifetime bar to reentering the U.S. because he originally entered many years ago under a false name. The Latimore Law Firm filed an I-130 on his behalf, which was approved, we prepared the consular processing documents and many of the documents which would be required for his numerous waivers before R-S- even left the U.S. When he did leave the proper documents were filed with the Nation Visa Center and eventually the waiver packet was filed with the embassy. The waivers for being ordered removed, being unlawfully present more than a year, and the waiver for immigration fraud were all approved and R-S- reentered the country less than 1 year after his departure. R-S- was reunited with his family and daughters in the U.S. as a Lawful Permanent Resident, and received his Green Card a few weeks later. Dr. S-K- was charged in an international drug trafficking ring under a Federal indictment. When he first came to the Latimore Law Firm he had already plead guilty to Federal drug trafficking charges, making him an aggravated felon for immigration purposes and leaving him no options to remain in the U.S., even though he had been a Lawful Permanent Resident for many years. He was facing sentencing in Federal Court for the drug trafficking charges, his medical licenses had been revoked in multiple states, and the situation for Dr. S-K- looked very grim indeed. The Latimore Law Firm worked along with new criminal counsel to have the plea overturned in Federal District Court. The Latimore Law Firm then carefully crafted a charge and plea agreement which would protect Dr. S-K- from immigration consequences and deportation, a complete 180 from where he stood when he first came to us. Dr. S-K was sentenced to the single new charge, did not do any time in prison, has had his medical license reinstated, and did not face deportation. The deck was completely stacked against Dr. S-K- and he had many other immigration attorneys tell him that he would be considered and aggravated felon, deported, and there was nothing that could be done in his case. The Latimore Law Firm, with help from criminal counsel, was able to change Dr. S-K-‘s life and his family’s life, with much hard work and dedication. We were told “no” many times by the Government, but in the end we came out victorious. J-N had been ordered removed in absentia over 10 years ago. He fought to reopen his case, with multiple different attorneys, before the immigration court, Board of Immigration Appeals, and before the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. He had no success before any of those courts. Shortly after J-N- was deported his family contacted the Latimore Law Firm. The Latimore Law Firm filed for a visa for J-N, and eventually filed a waiver on his behalf, as he was inadmissible for 10 years to the U.S. after being deported because he was previously present within the U.S. unlawfully for more than one year. He was also facing inadmissibility for 5 years, for being ordered removed in absentia and deported. None the less the Latimore Law Firm filed I-212 and I-601 waivers on his behalf. USCIS agreed that the client’s wife was suffering extreme hardship and they granted the necessary waivers for J-N- to return to the U.S. as a Lawful Permanent Resident. He reentered the U.S. legally well before the full 5 years of inadmissibility he faced for being ordered removed in absentia (not present in court) had run out. R-G entered the U.S. illegally. He was immediately placed into removal proceedings and moved to the East Coast. He never received any more paperwork from immigration, despite informing them of his new address. Many years later R-G- was the passenger in a car that was stopped for having a tail light out. When the police checked R-G-‘s ID they found that he had a removal order and he was taken into custody and turned over to ICE. Smartly, his fiancée called the Latimore Law Firm. The Latimore Law Firm acted quickly, filing a motion to reopen and the immigration judge reopened the proceedings against R-G-. The Latimore Law Firm then represented R-G- in those proceedings, taking Voluntary Departure. R-G- and his fiancée married before he left the U.S., and he fully complied with his Voluntary Departure. The Latimore Law Firm then filed the necessary paperwork for R-G-‘s now wife to sponsor him to return to the U.S. R-G- still faced a 10 year bar to returning, due to his over 1 year of unlawful presence. The Latimore Law Firm filed the proper waiver and within 6 months the waiver was approved and R-G- was back in the U.S. from Brazil, as a Lawful Permanent Resident, to live with his wife. Without reopening the case before he was removed R-G- would have had to wait 5 years before filing his waiver, because he had proper representation he ended up spending many years less than that away from his wife and family. F-N- had been granted derivative asylum status after his mother was granted asylum. F-N- never applied for his Green Card however, never quite finding the time. When he did apply, he was informed by USCIS that he would be denied, as he was now too old and would have to prove his asylum eligibility himself, before being granted a Green Card. He came to the Latimore Law Firm at this point. We prepared the asylum documents and supporting information, we attended the asylum interview with him, and a few months later he was granted asylum on his own. USCIS further more granted him asylum retroactive to the date which he entered the U.S., so he was immediately eligible to adjust his status to that of Lawful Permanent Resident, and he received his green card a few weeks later. What could have turned into a bad situation or could have ended up with F-N- being placed into removal proceedings ended up with him having his Green Card in less than 6 months. A great result. H-T- had already been before the Immigration Judge, the Board of Immigration Appeals, the Circuit Court of Appeals, and back before the Board of Immigration Appeals multiple times with Motions to Reopen before she came to the Latimore Law Firm. Her requests for asylum and withholding of removal as well as her requests to reopen to adjust her status had been denied at every turn before she contacted our firm. The Latimore Law Firm filed a Sua Sponte Motion to Reopen with the Board of Immigration Appeals based upon a change in the law as it related to her asylum claims. The Board, even though nothing had been done in her case in many years, granted the motion to reopen and remanded her case back to the immigration judge. The Latimore Law Firm again represented her before the Immigration Court and the Judge granted her withholding of removal, which she had originally requested almost 10 years before in proceedings before the same judge, who had previously denied her relief. H-T will now be able to legally remain in the US with her daughters and legally work, while safe from the terrors which await her in her country of nationality. P-O- was facing deportation due to criminal convictions for fraud. The Government asserted that the frauds totaled over $50,000, which in turn made P-O- deportable as an aggravated felon. After making detailed and technical arguments against the Government’s assertion the Immigration Judge agreed with Mr. Latimore that the loss amount could not be properly proven by the Government and the Judge refused to find that P-O had committed an aggravated felony or that he was removable as an aggravated felon. F-G- is a green card holder who had served a lengthy prison sentence for a state crime which he plead guilty to. He hired the Latimore Law Firm to fight his deportation after the Department of Homeland Security placed him into removal proceedings upon the completion of his prison sentence. The Government alleged that F-G had committed an aggravated felony crime of violence and was therefore deportable. The family had been told by other attorneys that there was no chance to beat the crime of violence aggravated felony ground of removability. The Latimore Law Firm went before the Immigration Court and denied that the crime F-G- was convicted of was an aggravated felony crime of violence, challenging that ground of removability by filing a lengthy, well written, and well supported brief with the Immigration Court. The Immigration Judge agreed with the Latimore Law Firm, dismissing the Government’s arguments and finding F-G- not removable for the aggravated felony crime of violence charge. H-K- a legal permanent resident, had been denied her citizenship at an interview with USCIS due to Government allegations of marriage fraud, bigamy (being married to more than one person at once), and moral character issues. She hired the Latimore Law Firm after her denial and we refilled for her citizenship including a brief on the various legal issues present in her case. H-K’s N-400 was approved at her next interview. She has since attended her swearing in and been granted citizenship. F-B- had been in the United States for 15 years. He and his wife who live in Nevada had after many failed attempts at having an I-130 spousal visa petition granted hired the Latimore Law Firm to handle their case. Subsequently their I-130 was approved, despite allegations of marriage fraud from a previous marriage. F-B- continues to process and move closer to legal permanent residency. R-B- has been fighting deportation from the US for over 10 years with different attorneys all over the country. He recently hired the Latimore Firm after he was ordered removed by an Immigration Judge after being convicted of cocaine trafficking, an aggravated felony for immigration purposes. The Latimore Firm was able to successfully reopen his case even though he had been ordered removed years before and will now proceed before the Immigration Court filing for a waiver under 212(c), which if granted will allow him to remain in the US as a Legal Permanent Resident despite his “aggravated felony” drug trafficking conviction. P-I- was represented by another attorney before the Board of Immigration Appeals. That attorney failed to inform P-I- after he received the Board’s decision denying his appeal. By the time P-I- came to the Latimore Law Firm he was out of time to appeal the Board’s decision or request a motion to reopen. Multiple other attorneys P-I- consulted told him that there was nothing left to do in his case. The Latimore Law Firm filed with the Board of Immigration Appeals, which reissued its prior opinion, reinstating P-I-’s rights to appeal to the US Court of Appeals or to ask The Board of Immigration Appeals for reopening or remand, giving him a second chance at deportation relief. The Latimore Law Firm was hired to represent S-S- after his previous attorney had failed to obtain a bond for him for over two months. Mr. Latimore appeared on S-S-’ behalf and he was granted bond less than two weeks after our firm was hired. We continue to represent S-S- in his request for asylum, with holding of removal, and protection under the convention against torture before a different Immigration Court after changing venue at S-S-‘s request, so he may remain here in the U.S. O-O- hired the Latimore Law Firm to appeal his case to the U.S. Court of Appeals after the Board of Immigration Appeal denied him relief. The Latimore Law Firm filed a Petition for Review with the U.S. Circuit Court, fully briefing the Court of Appeals on the Board’s various errors in coming to its decision. The Court of Appeals in turn ordered the case remanded to the Board of Immigration Appeals, agreeing with the Latimore Law Firm, finding multiple errors in the Board’s decision. R-G- had been ordered removed even though he never received notification of his removal hearing. He hired the Latimore Law Firm after he was taken into custody during a routine traffic stop. Despite other attorneys R-G- and his family consulted telling them that there was no hope to reopen the case, the Latimore Law Firm was able to vacate the removal order against him, reopen his case, get him a very low bond, and appear before the Immigration Court on his behalf where the affirmative relief requested was granted by the Immigration Judge. Without taking these steps R-G- would have been deported and would face a five year bar to admissibility to the U.S. for which there was no waiver available. J-U- hired the Latimore Law Firm after her brother- in-law was taken into custody. Both she and her brother-in-law had used the same attorney and she feared that her status may not have been properly handled by that attorney, just as her brother’s was not. She hired the Latimore Law Firm, which investigated her case and filed to reopen her case, so she could have her day in court which was robbed from her by her previous attorney. The Court granted our motion to reopen her case and she will now have her day in court and be able to present any and all relief from deportation available. Her prior attorney is serving a lengthy prison term in Florida for defrauding countless immigrants all over the United States through churches. L-D-‘s, status on the USCIS website showed she had a valid adjustment of status application pending when unbeknownst to her, she had been ordered removed by the Immigration Court a year earlier. She never had any notice of this event until the Latimore Law Firm investigated her case. The Latimore Law Firm was able to reopen her case before the Court where she will now be able to continue her pursuit of a Green Card through adjustment of status. M-C- a legal permanent resident had been in detention for almost a year and a half while fighting against his deportation. He had filed a habeas petition with the Federal District Court seeking his release, which the District Court denied. He hired the Latimore Law Firm to appeal the denial of his habeas petition to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the arguments presented by the Latimore Law Firm, that the District Court had committed errors in its decision, and remanded the case to the District Court with instructions for them to properly evaluate M-C-‘s arguments for release from “mandatory” immigration detention. R-C- had filed a visa petition for her husband to try and bring him back to the United States after he was deported. USCIS approved the visa petition and it was forwarded to the U.S. embassy in Africa for further immigrant processing. The embassy in Africa investigated the visa and in a very rare turn of events refused to further process the visa and returned it to USCIS in California, asking them to revoke the petition that they had already approved. R-C- hired the Latimore Law Firm at this point to stop the revocation. The Firm helped her in obtaining additional evidence and wrote a brief on her behalf, which was filed with the USCIS Service Center on a very short timetable. After the Service Center reviewed all the evidence they agreed with the Latimore Law Firm that the visa petition should have never been returned to them and that the embassy had incorrectly refused to process the immigrant visa petition. The petition was then transferred back to the embassy where they properly processed it.
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